I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything that I cannot explain as fraud.

-Carl Gustav Jung-


What is mental mediumship ?

To begin with, I think that everybody has the mediumnistic capacity,  can learn and develop it! Consequently, I offer mediumship courses for all levels, even for absolut beginners.
A medium is the bridge between our preceivable reality and the immaterial world. Its mediumship can be of different kinds.
I will only talk here about the mental mediumship, the most common type. And more specifically, the mental perceiving mediumship where the medium remains in a full, or slightly altered, state of consciousness. It transmits its perceptions thanks to one or more of its clearsenses: clearaudience, clearvoyance, clearsentience, cleargustance or  clearknowing.
Some examples of application: spirit art, inspired writing, spiritual guidance, spiritual assessment, spiritual communication.

Besides mediumship courses, I also offer different mediumistic or  evidential  consultations.

Qu'est ce que la médiumnité mentale ?

All my consultations put the accent on the comfort and advancement of the client. This can concern the personal and spiritual developpment, the comprehension of a current life situation and the indications of how to solve it. The objectif is to see how to cope with it, how to unfold all our potential, and, above all, how to move on in life with more happiness and strength. Clients in mourning, grief or suffering will also receive the words and messages they need to hear in that very moment of their life. Of course, I guarantee absolute confidentiality.
I do not provide any prediction of the future and the spirit world decides what is to be said to the client.

Communication avec un défunt: dessin du défunt
Spirit communication and spirit art

– Spiritual communication: contact with a loved one

All my spiritual work follows the English tradition, thanks to my sound and deep education in England. The communication with a loved one is therefore always based on giving clear evidences to  the client, to leave no doubt about the contact’s identy. The client can ask for a communication with someone specificor just see who comes forward to communicate. The sitter should be open and flexible because it may be that precise questions are not going to be answered as desired. The spirit world decides about what is going to be said. I can also include spirit art portrait in the communication with a contact.

– Spiritual guidance

The client receives advice and help from spirit to understand life situations, how to disentangle them and how to move on. The information can be given in different ways and by different means.
I myself often use spirit art, the spirit inspired auragraph with its messages given by spirit. But I also give inspired written or spoken words, expressed by spirit guides or a loved one in spirit who has an advice or support to give in the moment.

Trouver orientation et conseil par la médiumnité

– Spiritual assessment

This assessment is for people who want to know where do they stand in their personal and spiritual development. The exchange is done in two parts. First, I connect to the aura of the sitter, to the energies of the moment and give the information I perceive. Then, I go to the spirit world and see what they have to say about the client’s potential, next steps, etc.
The information given is not about the material life of the sitter, unless it has a link to the spiritual or personal development.

Animal communication

La communication avec un animal vivant ou mort

The animal communication with living animals can be done with a picture of the pet or in its presence. It helps to understand what the pet has to say to us concerning its condition, its wishes, its physical or other issues, etc. But the communication can also take place with pets in spirit. It follows the same principles than the one done with human loved ones in spirit.

Testimonials mediumship


– Haute Garonne –

I met Katja by “hasard” in a Facebook group. She made me open the door to my spiritual journey, me being such a rational person!  

MEDIUMSHIP COURSES: She teached me the practise of mediumship and convinced me that we all can develop this capacity if we work on it. The beginner course is of 2 complete days in a group of maximum 4 paricipants. Lots of practise, an intense rhythm and  a personalized, challenging mentoring. With an impressive outcome! In the afternoon of the 2nd day, I did my first precise and conclusive contact with a loved one! I will continue with Katja with the next level course.  

COMMUNICATION WITH A LOVED ONE:  Beside the course, I booked a, evidential reading with Katja in Mai 2024, for a contact with my dad in spirit. This communication was very touching and emotional, of a surprising precision and lasted long.  My father left 30 years ago and it was the first time that I asked for this kind of communication. He gave to me so much guidance and I could ask my questions.

Katja uses the English mediumship methodology, teached in the Arthur Findlay college and has a professional, organized and caring teaching style! I recommend her and her work that is really for everyone!

Thank you, Katja !