The most effective medicine is the natural healing force that lies inside of anyone of us.
– Hippocrates –
Energetic spiritual healing
What is it about?
The energetic and spiritual healing history goes back to the medicine men in lots of cultures, the shamans etc. Already Hippocrates (around 460-370 before J.C.) advocated hands-on healing.
Most of the energetic and spiritual healing methods influence the physical and mental level and regulate the so-called ‘subtle bodies’. Energies are transmitted and/or channelled to release blocked energies, activate the self-healing power and rebuild new vital energy for man and animal.
Today, there are lots of names for healing work, and always new methods: Reiki, LaHotchi, Pranatherapy, Aura Healing, Lithotherapy, to mention just a few. These methods can use different support means: hands-on, crystals, sounds, scent… To choose, the best is to trust your gut feeling and to gather extensive information.
A complement to conventional medicine! A serious and reliable healer will never give a guarantee of success or advise to stop medication or see the doctor. Healing will never replace conventional medicine!

My method
Many different methods exist which either use the own vital energy of the healer (magnetic healing), or the energies that surround us (like Reiki i.e.). The healer remains an active channel, keeps more or less the control of the usage, the routing and the direction of the energy.
Energetic spiritual healing! I practise the so called spiritual healing that works with a supreme power. In contrast to any other type of healing, the healer does not intervene, is passive, does not pilot the energy. The ‘supreme energy’ knows where the flow has to go within the client, wherever the human or animal organism needs them to improve the wellbeing. It therefore goes to the source of the issue, without concentrating on the symptoms. The spiritual healing addresses the root cause of the problem.
In presence or remotely! Absent healing produces the same results as presence healing and has no geographical boundaries: my clients are located all over France, in Germany, and in the USA, too. I do not need you to be on the phone, nor your photograph. Your name and the subject of your enquiry are sufficient.
I work with a universal intelligence knowing who is concerned.
Scope of application
My healing method applies to numerous issues, worries and areas, as well for the people as for their animals.
My special fields are:
- Treatment of the emotional state: despondency, emotional choc and trauma, emotional regulation
- Fatigue and burn-out
- Muscle, tendons and joint pains (Arthrosis…)
I take care, of course, of all other issue you may need help for, like:
- Skin issues: Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis etc.
- Exhaustion and fatigue
- Side effects of cancer treatments (Radiotherapy, i.e.)
- Menopause symptoms
I do not give any diagnosis, I do not guarantee success of the treatment and never replace the medical consultation.

Testimonials healing
– Haute Garonne –
My daughter is 10 years old and a very anxious person. Katja provided her with an immense relief! I couldn’t find any solution anymore and Katja’s professional in-presence intervention, soft and empathic, helped my daughter to regain her self-confidence.
Thank you!!!
– Rennes –
I contacted Katja for my 2 young children who suffered from the vicous behaviour of their father. Shortly after Katja’s interventions at distance ( wer are far from Toulouse), myself and their surrounding could see how they changed, regained their self-confidence.
A big thank to Katja and to what she did for them!
– Haute Garonne –
With lots of care and sincerity, Katja helped me restore myself after a post partum depression . I could find with her answers, and psychological and physical relief.
Once again a big thank you!
– Haute Garonne –
After months of consultations with a psychologist and a psychiatrist in order to try to resolve my anxiety crises, I finally contacted Katja who resolved everything in 3 in-presence sessions!
My life has changed! Once again, thank you !
– Grenoble –
After several ‘traditional’ treatments, the lesion at the corner of my mouth had recidivated constantly for 6 months. I could hardly open my mouth and eat, plus a considerable esthetical prejudice… Katja could heal the lesion in 20 days of healing at distance. What a relief ! A big thank to you and your healing coming from someplace else and being so deep and longlasting!
– Hautes Garonne –
A couple of years ago, I fell from a mezzanine and a tendon of my shoulder muscle ruptured. It took a year before even being able to get surgery, with the result of a chronic inflammation of the shoulder joint capsule. After three years, I was better, but I still had a certain frozen shoulder and pain at night. Then, a new incident brought me back to the same situation: inflammation, blocked shoulder, immobility, pain! Nothing helped, neither osteopathy, nor physiotherapy. Katja proposed to me absent healing, given that I could not come to Toulouse. I was more than doubtful, in general because of all my attempts on the traditional way and above all concerning a treatment at distance… The result was amazing! After three days of the healing beginning my pain was gone and I got my mobility back! For now more than six months I have been pain free and I can move my arm like before my first accident!
– Ile de France –
Since a motorbike accident at the age of 18, I have been suffering from back pain. In order to allay my pain and to be able to practise my favourite sports (windsurfing, volleyball and alpine skiing), I did try everything: osteopath, physiotherapist, etiopath, . Without much success. I do not understand neither why nor how, but when my back is blocked so that I can barely walk, Katja allays my pain in just one session, either in presence or absence. And after a couple of hours, I have my normal life back and can follow my sportive activities.
– Landes –
I am actually a very rational person. But given that the other medical healing methods did not or barely bring results, I tried Katja’s method. And have completely adopted it since! Katja crossed my way and I ‘dared’ to try her way of doing. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Katja helped me several times, mainly at distance, to relief my physical pain (blocked back, tendinitis and others), but also concerning my temporary difficult emotional state. I am impressed by the effectiveness of the healing, as well in presence than in absence. Katja is also a good listener. We have continued to be in contact and she keeps on helping me in an efficient way, when I need it.
– Etats Unis –
Katja is absolutely amazing! Since a surgery at the end of 2021, I had been suffering from swollen and hurting hands, my nights were awful. The doctors asked me to keep the faith because it should be better one day. They told me that it could last one more year… They did not have a better solution than patience. Then, Katja crossed my (internet) way in August 2021 and she worked with me for a couple of weeks at distance. Her in France and me in the USA! And the results of this absent healing have been better than I have ever hoped! I would 100% recommend Katja to anyone, anywhere!
– Haute Garonne –
I had suffered for a while from hurting back muscles, consulted a physiotherapist and an osteopath. The pain kept being shooting. I thus contacted Katja without knowing her method/approach, and, honestly speaking, without much conviction.
I am very rational, and I have to state that my back bothers me a lot less compared to before! I therefore absolutely recommend!
– Haute Garonne –
Extraordinary! I went to see Katja for a holistic Treatment of 1h because I suffered from sleep disturbances. The same night and all other following nights, my sleep became refreshing and deep.
Thanks so much, Katja!
I 100% recommend you!
And Those Who Don’t Speak
Healing is also beneficial to those who don’t speak, and I treat them like humans.
Do you want to know more?