To see what your eyes don’t see
To hear what your ears don’t hear
To understand things differently

– KEM –

Mediumship and healing - the English tradition

I am a medium and healer educated as per the techniques and ethics tought in England.

My objectives and values

Any energetic or mediumistic work should always help with empathy and kindness. I look at the human or animal patient from a holistic perspective, as a physical and energetic being. The objective of my work is to treat the symptoms but above all to address the root causes in order to provide a long-lasting result. In my healing activity, I apply the spiritual and energetic healing method. But all my activities are a type of healing for the client, adapted to the need: whether it is spirit art, evidential consultations, mediumistic or intuitive coaching…
My guiding principle: any healing should always complement academic medicine, and it never replaces medical consultation! There is no diagnostic nor guarantee of success either.

Objectifs et Valeurs
Spiritualité et moi

Spirituality and me

In our Western society, apart from some countries, spirituality has not yet found its place. The term spirituality is often misused, and applied to define lots of things and nothing at the same time, often with the connotation of being ‘weird’ or ‘crazy’.
For me, spirituality is not necessarily linked to religious or esoteric beliefs. It can be of course but doesn’t have to be. Believing in the existence of things beyond the physical or material world is being spiritual. This means to add to the measurable and material our thoughts, emotions and sensitivity. It is the awareness of our dormant and unused capacities, and of our possibility to exchange with any organism in our dimension, like animals and plants. But also with the invisible, the spiritual world with its superiour energies.  I use these energies and forces in my spiritual work.

My background

I live near Toulouse (France) and have always worked in industry. My spirituality and capacity for “Healing Hands” have always existed but I decided only in 2015, to look deeper into the subject and to attend training courses. I also wanted to understand more about who I really was and what was important to me in life. Hence, I started my journey of personal development which led me to leave my job as a manager in an industrial business in August 2022. The right moment had come.
With my sense of questioning, I have continued to be a ‘down-to-earth’ and pragmatic person. Simply somebody with common sense, which is, for me, mandatory in anything that touches mediumship or energetic/spiritual work.

My qualifications

I did most of my learning  in England, at the renowned Arthur Findlay College, and in a country where mediumship is not seen as something ‘strange’, is completely accepted by the society, and has been for centuries. For many years now, I have followed multiple courses and training, both in the energetic healing domain, and in mediumship.
And given that our spiritual development is never over, I continue, of course, to enhance my expertise and tool box!

Mes Formations

– Arthur Findlay College (since 2018):Animal Communication & Healing

  • Animal Communication & Healing
  • The Natural Medium (Mediumship, Healing, Spirit Contacts Private Sittings)
  • The Power of Trance (Trance healing, speaking, communication)
  • The Story teller (Podium work & Public Demonstration, Private Sittings)
  • Spirit Art and Trance (Spiritual creativity, Spiritual Contacts through art)

Mediumship & Healing: 2021/22, private mentorship from the internationally renowned Medium, Simone Key

Progressive Trance Course: 2022, intensive Trance course over 6 months with Simone Key

REIKI:  2nd degree (2016, Toulouse) which allows me to practise, validated by a Reiki Master, as a member of the LFRU (La Fédération de Reiki Usui) and the Reiki SNPER (Syndicat National des Praticiens & Enseignants du Reiki).

Given that my objective is to heal animals, but also the human-animal relationship, I also specialised in addition to animal healing and communication, and in animal behaviour:

ATN Switzerland (« Akademie für Angewandte Tierpsychologie&Tierverhaltenstraining »): 2021/22

  • 24 months of education as ‘Animal Behaviour Therapist ‘ (Specialisation Cat)